═══ 1. About PolyCalc ═══ PolyCalc is a shareware calculator program for OS/2 2.x and above. Its main features are: o A powerful feature set for programmers and engineers o Separate entry and display modes to ease number conversions o Autoscaled button text to allow the calculator to have any size o True super and subscripting for natural look to text o User customizable font and color set o Use of an INI file to save all user settings o Running tape display of last 16 operations ═══ 2. Copyright ═══ Copyright 1994, Graduate Software This program is the intellectual property of Graduate Software. You are given the right to use this program on one or more computers. You are also given the right to copy this program and distribute it to other users so long as you do not also distribute the INI file created after you register the program. The INI file contains your registration information, and therefore, it is traceable back to you. ═══ 3. Why Shareware? ═══ PolyCalc was developed by me, Mike Thompson of Graduate Software. I developed PolyCalc to fill a void in the OS/2 32-bit application market. I chose to market PolyCalc as shareware because it is my first venture into programming for a horizontal market. Up to this point, I have only developed vertical market applications under contract. The success of this shareware venture will help determine whether or not other horizontal market applications are released. Your registration is important in helping me to make that decision. ═══ 4. How to Register ═══ PolyCalc is distributed as shareware, though some may call it crippleware because I have disabled saving to the INI file until the program has been registered. If you are a Compuserve user, you may register PolyCalc via SWREG #4665. If you do not have access to Compuserve or you would prefer to register via the mail, you must send $15.00 (plus 5% sales tax if you are a resident of Ohio) to the following address: Graduate Software PolyCalc Registration P.O. Box 36147 Canton, OH 44735-6147 Please make your check payable to "Graduate Software". In order to process your registration, a user name is required. Also, a postal, Compuserve, or Internet address is required so that I can send you the registration key that matches your user name. Your user name and key must be entered in the registration dialog in order to complete the registration process. Once this is done, your user INI file will be created and all features of the program will be enabled. The simplest way to provide me with the information I require is to print this help page by pressing the "Print" push button and fill out the following form. Include this form with your payment and I'll do the rest! User Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (case is sensitive) Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Phone: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Compuserve: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Internet: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ═══ 5. Reporting Bugs ═══ The accuracy of this program is not guaranteed in any way by Graduate Software. All attempts have been made to remove programming and computational errors prior to release. Bug fixes may be released periodically and will not require re-registration. Bug reports and other comments can be sent via e-mail to Mike Thompson at Compuserve address: 76500,2037. ═══ 6. Revisions ═══ Version 1.10 - June 21, 1995 Added register and tape windows. These functions are only provided to registered users. Version 1.03 - March 29, 1995 Modified registered startup to ask if program object should be created on the desktop. This question is only asked once. Version 1.02 - March 20, 1995 Modified initial INI creation to select button border size based on screen resolution. Fixed bug in paste function which caused buffer overflow if clipboard contents were too long. Modified decimal formatting to fix problem with display of inexact representations. In version 1.01, the value 9132.64 displayed as 9132.639999999999. Improved precision of trigonometric functions. Modified so that program still runs if help file is missing. Added Ctrl-Insert key to Copy and Shift-Insert key to Paste. Version 1.01 - January 10, 1995 Removed nagging code except for program startup. Version 1.00 - January 6, 1995 First release. ═══ 7. Entry Modes ═══ By providing separate entry and display modes, PolyCalc allows the user to enter numbers in one mode and view them in another. This is very useful when doing conversions between number bases. For example, by setting the entry mode to decimal and the display mode to hexadecimal, you can perform decimal to hexadecimal conversions by simply typing in the number and pressing the equals key (or ENTER). The following entry modes are provided by PolyCalc: Decimal Time Angle Feet-Inches Binary Octal Hexadecimal ═══ 7.1. Decimal Entry Mode ═══ In this mode, the number you enter will be interpreted as a decimal number. You can use the "EE" button (or press "E") to enter the number in exponential notation. You can also use the comma key to enter a fraction in addition to the main entry. For example, you can type "3,5,8" and then press ENTER. If the display mode is decimal, you should see the number 3.625 since that is equivalent to 3-5/8. ═══ 7.2. Time Entry Mode ═══ In this mode, the number you enter will be interpreted as hours. You can enter minutes and seconds by pressing the comma key. For example, you can type "3,45,22" and then press ENTER. If the display mode is decimal, you should see the number 3.7561111111 since that is equivalent to 3 hours, 45 minutes, and 22 seconds. ═══ 7.3. Angle Entry Mode ═══ In this mode, the number you enter will be interpreted as degrees. You can enter minutes and seconds by pressing the comma key. For example, you can type "3,45,22" and then press ENTER. If the display mode is decimal, you should see the number 3.7561111111 since that is equivalent to 3 degrees, 45 minutes, and 22 seconds. ═══ 7.4. Feet-Inches Entry Mode ═══ In this mode, the number you enter will be interpreted as feet. You can enter inches and fractions of an inch by pressing the comma key. For example, you can type "3,8,3,4" and then press ENTER. If the display mode is decimal, you should see the number 3.7291666667 since that is equivalent to 3 feet, 8-3/4 inches. ═══ 7.5. Binary Entry Mode ═══ In this mode, the number you enter will be interpreted as a 32 bit binary number. For example, you can type "100100" and then press ENTER. If the display mode is decimal, you should see the number 36 since that is the decimal equivalent of 100100 base 2. Values which evaluate to more than 32 bits will generate an error. ═══ 7.6. Octal Entry Mode ═══ In this mode, the number you enter will be interpreted as a 32 bit octal number. For example, you can type "20372" and then press ENTER. If the display mode is decimal, you should see the number 8442 since that is the decimal equivalent of 20372 base 8. Values which evaluate to more than 32 bits will generate an error. ═══ 7.7. Hexadecimal Entry Mode ═══ In this mode, the number you enter will be interpreted as a 32 bit hexadecimal number. For example, you can type "3F428" and then press ENTER. If the display mode is decimal, you should see the number 259112 since that is the decimal equivalent of 3F428 base 16. Values which evaluate to more than 32 bits will generate an error. ═══ 8. Display Modes ═══ By providing separate entry and display modes, PolyCalc allows the user to enter numbers in one mode and view them in another. This is very useful when doing conversions between number bases. For example, by setting the entry mode to decimal and the display mode to hexadecimal, you can perform decimal to hexadecimal conversions by simply typing in the number and pressing the equals key (or ENTER). The following display modes are supported by PolyCalc: Decimal Fixed Scientific Engineering Comma Currency Time Angle Feet-Inches Fraction Binary and Padded Binary Octal and Padded Octal Hexadecimal and Padded Hex Segment:Offset IEEE Double ═══ 8.1. Decimal Display Mode ═══ In this mode, the value displayed will be presented with up to twelve decimal places of precision. Trailing zeroes are removed, and values with magnitudes less than 1e-9 or greater than 1e15 will be displayed in scientific notation. This is similar to the "General" format used in many spreadsheets. ═══ 8.2. Fixed Display Mode ═══ In this mode, the value displayed will be presented with a fixed number of decimal places. The number of decimal places can be changed by pressing the .xxxx button. Values with magnitudes greater than 1e15 will be displayed in scientific notation. ═══ 8.3. Scientific Display Mode ═══ In this mode, the value displayed will be presented such that the order of magnitude is removed from the value and displayed as an exponent following the "e". This guarantees that the absolute value of the number presented will be greater than or equal to one and less than ten. This is a very useful display mode when working with numbers whose magnitudes are very small or very large. As with fixed notation, the number of decimal places can be changed by pressing the .xxxx button. ═══ 8.4. Engineering Display Mode ═══ In this mode, the value displayed is presented with the order of magnitude removed as it is in scientific display mode, however, the order of magnitude is based upon powers of 1000 instead of powers of 10. This means that the exponent will always be a multiple of 3 (1e3=1000). This display mode is very useful if you are working with a unit system which uses the standard engineering prefixes kilo, mega, milli, micro, etc. As with fixed and scientific notation, the number of decimal places can be changed by pressing the .xxxx button. ═══ 8.5. Comma Display Mode ═══ In this mode, the value displayed is formatted as it is in decimal display mode except that commas are added to help identify thousands, millions, billions, etc. Commas are not added on the right side of the decimal point and they are not added if the value is displayed in scientific notation because its magnitude is too small or too large for normal display. ═══ 8.6. Currency Display Mode ═══ In this mode, the value displayed is formatted as it is in comma display mode except that a leading dollar sign is added and the number of decimal places is fixed to two digits. Also, negative values are shown with parentheses as opposed to a leading minus sign. ═══ 8.7. Time Display Mode ═══ In this mode, the value displayed is formatted as hours, minutes, and seconds. A value of 3.5 is interpreted as 3-1/2 hours, or 3:30:00. Values with magnitudes greater than 1e15 will be displayed in scientific notation. ═══ 8.8. Angle Display Mode ═══ In this mode, the value displayed is formatted as degrees, minutes, and seconds. A value of 3.5 is interpreted as 3-1/2 degrees, or 3°30'00". Values with magnitudes greater than 1e15 will be displayed in scientific notation. ═══ 8.9. Feet-Inches Display Mode ═══ In this mode, the value displayed is formatted as feet and inches. A value of 3.5 is interpreted as 3-1/2 feet, or 3'6". Fractions of an inch are displayed to the nearest 64th of an inch. Values with magnitudes greater than 1e15 will be displayed in scientific notation. ═══ 8.10. Fraction Display Mode ═══ In this mode, the value displayed is formatted as integer and fractional components. The fractional component is displayed as a ratio of two integers. PolyCalc chooses the closest ratio with a denominator no greater than 1000. Values with magnitudes greater than 1e15 will be displayed in scientific notation. ═══ 8.11. Binary and Padded Binary Display Modes ═══ In these modes, the value displayed is formatted as a binary number. Only the first 32 bits of the integer portion of the value are used, so 3.5 and 3.0 both format to 11 base 2. The high order bits of values greater than 2^32 are discarded for display purposes. In padded binary mode, leading zeroes are added to make the value 32 binary digits wide. ═══ 8.12. Octal and Padded Octal Display Modes ═══ In these modes, the value displayed is formatted as an octal number. Only the first 32 bits of the integer portion of the value are used, so 25.5 and 25.0 both format to 31 base 8. The high order bits of values greater than 2^32 are discarded for display purposes. In padded octal mode, leading zeroes are added to make the value 11 octal digits wide. ═══ 8.13. Hexadecimal and Padded Hex Display Modes ═══ In these modes, the value displayed is formatted as a hexadecimal number. Only the first 32 bits of the integer portion of the value are used, so 27.5 and 27.0 both format to 1B base 16. The high order bits of values greater than 2^32 are discarded for display purposes. In padded hex mode, leading zeroes are added to make the value 8 hex digits wide. ═══ 8.14. Segment:Offset Display Mode ═══ In this mode, the value displayed is formatted as a padded hexadecimal number, but the high order four digits are separated from the low order four digits by a colon. ═══ 8.15. IEEE Double Display Mode ═══ In this mode, the value displayed is formatted as a padded hexadecimal number which is the internal representation used by the Intel 80x87 family of math coprocessors. ═══ 9. Customization ═══ PolyCalc is customizable in many ways to meet your specific preferences. The font, colors, window size, window position, and default modes and settings are all stored in the associated INI file. When PolyCalc is started, the current settings are read from the INI file and used by PolyCalc. When PolyCalc is closed, any changes to these preferences are automatically saved back to the INI file. Automatic saving to the INI file can be overridden with the /nosave command line option. Refer to Command Line Options. Changing Font Changing Colors Changing Window Size / Position ═══ 9.1. Changing Font ═══ In order to change the font that PolyCalc uses, open the Font Palette application and drag the desired font onto the PolyCalc window. Only ATM fonts are supported. PolyCalc requires ATM fonts so that the text can be scaled to the window size. Also, the point size of the dragged font is not important since PolyCalc will scale the text to match the window size. Finally, only one font is used for the entire application. Separate fonts are not supported for button groups and other controls. The new font will be stored in the INI file when PolyCalc is closed (provided it wasn't started with the /nosave option). ═══ 9.2. Changing Colors ═══ In order to change the colors used by PolyCalc, open the Color Palette application and drag the desired color onto the PolyCalc window. PolyCalc supports several different color groups listed below. All of the color groups support both foreground and background colors except the client color which is background only. To drag and drop a foreground color, you must hold down the CTRL key while dragging the color. The new colors will be stored in the INI file when PolyCalc is closed (provided it wasn't started with the /nosave option). Client Window Mode Buttons Entry, Display, .xxxx, and Angle Special Function Buttons Help, Store, Recall, Reset, Clear, Copy, Paste, Regs, and Tape Digit Buttons 0 through 9 Hex Digit Buttons A through F Standard Operator Buttons +, -, x, Ў, ё, =, у, %, EE, and  Logical Operator Buttons And, Or, Xor, Nand, Nor, and Not Trig Function Buttons sin, cos, tan, and their inverses Power Function Buttons ln, log, e^x, 10^x, x^y, and x^(1/y) Misc Function Buttons x^2, sqrt, 1/x, int, frac, and mod Register Buttons Colors used for registers which contain a value. In order to change these colors, you must first store a value in a register and then drop the colors on the register which has been filled. Operation Button Colors used for buttons which show a pending operation. In order to change these colors, you must first start an operation (example: 3 +) and then drop the colors on the operation button which is pending (in this case, the + button). Entry and Parentheses Fields These fields belong to the same color group. Status Field This is the field at the bottom used to display error messages. Mode Text Fields These are the text fields next to the mode buttons. ═══ 9.3. Changing Window Size / Position ═══ PolyCalc can be resized to any size using the sizing border and it can be moved anywhere on the desktop using the title bar. The new size and position will be stored in the INI file when PolyCalc is closed (provided it wasn't started with the /nosave option). ═══ 10. Command Line Options ═══ The following command line options are supported by PolyCalc: /min Start PolyCalc in a minimized state. /max Start PolyCalc in a maximized state. /nosave Disable the automatic INI save feature. Changes to the user settings will no longer be written to the INI file when PolyCalc is closed. INI filename Specify an alternate INI filename. The default INI filename is the same as the executable name with a .INI extension instead of a .EXE extension. The default INI filename can be overridden to allow different program objects to start up PolyCalc using different user preferences. ═══ 11. Using Registers ═══ PolyCalc provides the user with sixteen registers for saving values used during calculations. The registers are saved in the INI file, so the values persist even after the program is restarted. To save the current entry in a register, press the "Store" button followed by one of the register buttons (0-9 or A-F). To later recall the value stored, press the "Recall" button followed by the desired register button. You will notice that the color of the register button may change to indicate that it contains a value. In order to clear a register, press the "Clear" button, followed by "Store", and finally, the button of the register to be cleared. If you register PolyCalc, you can press the "Regs" button to see the contents of all 16 registers at once. This can be quite useful if you're working with many registers simultaneously. The register window can be separately sized and positioned and it's colors are independent from the main calculator colors. ═══ 12. Button Descriptions ═══ Entry (F2 and Shift-F2) This button allows the entry mode to be toggled. You can press either the left or right mouse buttons to toggle through the entry modes supported by PolyCalc. The left mouse button moves forward through the list and the right mouse button moves backward through the list. Display (F3 and Shift-F3) This button allows the display mode to be toggled. You can press either the left or right mouse buttons to toggle through the display modes supported by PolyCalc. The left mouse button moves forward through the list and the right mouse button moves backward through the list. Angle (F4 and Shift-F4) This button allows the angle mode to be toggled. You can press either the left or right mouse buttons to toggle through the angle modes supported by PolyCalc. The left mouse button moves forward through the list and the right mouse button moves backward through the list. The angle modes define how the trigonometric functions treat angles: Degrees, Radians, or Gradians. .xxxx ("<" and ">") This button allows the number of decimal places to be changed. You can press either the left or right mouse buttons to change the number of decimal places. The left mouse button increases the number of decimal places and the right mouse button decreases the number of decimal places. The only display modes that use the decimal place setting are: Fixed, Scientific, and Engineering. Help (F1) This button activates the help subsystem. Store (Page Down) This button initiates a "store into register" operation. You must press one of the register buttons (0-9 or A-F) to complete the store operation. You can press "Store" again, or you can press "Clear" to cancel the store operation. Recall (Page Up) This button initiates a "recall from register" operation. You must press one of the register buttons (0-9 or A-F) to complete the recall operation. You can press "Recall" again, or you can press "Clear" to cancel the recall operation. Reset (Esc) This button is similar to ALL CLEAR on some calculators. It clears the current entry AND all pending operations including nested parentheses. Clear (Ctrl-Backspace) This button clears the current entry without affecting pending operations. Copy (Del) This button copies the current entry to the clipboard. Paste (Ins) This button pastes the clipboard contents into the entry field and evaluates it using the current entry mode. Regs (F11) This button toggles the register window on and off. It is only functional for registered users. Tape (F12) This button toggles the tape window on and off. It is only functional for registered users. 0 through 9 and A through F These buttons are used for entry of numbers. They are also used as registers where values can be stored for later use in calculations. . (".") This button is used to separate integer and fractional components in decimal entry mode. , (",") This button is used to separate different components in certain entry modes. Entry modes which allow the comma are: Decimal, Time, Angle, and Feet-Inches. EE ("e") This button is used in decimal mode to enter the exponent (power of ten) by which the value is to be multiplied. An "e" will be displayed and the exponent, when entered, will appear superscripted to the right of the "e".  (Backspace) This button is used to backspace over the entered value to remove the last digit that was entered. This can be repeated as often as necessary until the entry is again clear. % ("%") This button is used to perform the percent operation. This can be used to figure tax or a discount by using it in place of the equals during an add or subtract operation. For example, 3+5% will generate 3.15 and 3-5% will generate 2.85. By using it with the multiplication and division operators, you can use it to figure other percent problems. For example, 3*5% will generate .15 since .15 is 5% of 3. 3/5% will generate 60 since 3 is 5% of 60. Finally, you can use the % operator standalone to convert a number into a percentage. 5% will generate .05 since 5% is equal to 5/100 or .05. у ("#") This button is used to enter the value for the constant pi. () ("(" and ")") These buttons are used to parenthesize an operation so that it takes precedence over whatever operation is pending. The nesting level is shown in the status box to the right of the number display. x ("*") This button initiates a multiplication operation. Ў ("/") This button initiates a division operation. + ("+") This button initiates an addition operation. - ("-") This button initiates a subtraction operation. ё ("`") This button negates the current value. = ("=" or Enter) This button completes whatever operations are pending, however, it will not automatically close parentheses. sin,sin^(-1) ("s" and Shift-"s") These buttons compute the sine and inverse sine of the the value in the display. Angles are assumed to be in the selected angle units. cos,cos^(-1) ("c" and Shift-"c") These buttons compute the cosine and inverse cosine of the the value in the display. Angles are assumed to be in the selected angle units. tan,tan^(-1) ("t" and Shift-"t") These buttons compute the tangent and inverse tangent of the the value in the display. Angles are assumed to be in the selected angle units. 10^x,log ("p" and Shift-"p") These buttons compute 10 raised to the value in the display and the log of the value in the display. The log function can also be computed by pressing the "l" key. e^x,ln ("x" and Shift-"x") These buttons compute e raised to the value in the display and the natural log of the value in the display. The natural log function can also be computed by pressing the "n" key. x^y,x^(1/y) ("y" and Shift-"y") These buttons take the current value in the display and raise it to the value which is yet to be entered or the reciprocal of that value. The x^y operation can also be computed by pressing the "^" key. int,frac ("i" and "f") These buttons take either the integer or fractional components of the value in the display. mod ("m") This button is used to perform the modulo operation on the value in the display using the value which is yet to be entered as in x mod y. 1/x ("v") This button is used to take the reciprocal of the current value. x^2,sqrt ("q" and Shift-"q") These buttons are used to square the value in the display or take its square root. The square root function can also be computed by pressing the "r" key. And,Or,Nand,Nor,Xor ("&", "|", "@", "!", and "\") These buttons initiate the indicated logical operations. All logical operations are carried out on the low order 32 bits of the integer of the value in the display. All other bits are lost. Not ("~") This button performs a bitwise not operation on the value in the display. Only the low order 32 bits of the integer of the value are used. All other bits are lost. ═══ 13. INI File Contents ═══ PolyCalc saves all of the user preferences in its associated INI file. This INI file can be viewed or modified using an INI file editor. You are encouraged to make a backup copy of the INI file before making any changes since changing the contents of the INI file could make PolyCalc inoperable. All of the settings saved in the INI file belong to one of the following data types: oCOLOR This type of variable is used to specify a 24 bit color value. It is four bytes long. The first byte specifies the amount of blue (0-255). The second byte specifies the amount of green (0-255). The third byte specifies the amount of red (0-255). The fourth byte must be zero. oINTEGER This type of variable is used to specify a four byte integer value. The integer is saved with the low order byte first. oDOUBLE This type of variable is used to specify a double precision floating point value. It is saved in the 80x87 format with the low order byte first. oSTRING This type of variable is used to specify a character string. All character strings include a trailing null character used to terminate the string. The following list presents all of the settings saved in the INI file. The list shows the INI entries as XXX-YYY where XXX is the "application" name and YYY is the "key" name. The data type is listed in parentheses. Border-X (INTEGER) Border-Y (INTEGER) These values specify the number of pixels to use for the highlight border used on the buttons and entry fields. For high resolution displays, you may wish to make the border two, or even three, pixels wide. Colors-ButtonF (COLOR) Colors-ButtonB (COLOR) These values specify the foreground and background colors to use for any button which doesn't belong to a standard button group. At the current time, all buttons belong to standard button groups so these settings have no effect on PolyCalc. Colors-Client (COLOR) This value specifies the client window color. Colors-EntryF (COLOR) Colors-EntryB (COLOR) These values specify the foreground and background colors to use for the entry and parentheses level fields. Colors-StatusF (COLOR) Colors-StatusB (COLOR) These values specify the foreground and background colors to use for the status field. Colors-DigitF (COLOR) Colors-DigitB (COLOR) These values specify the foreground and background colors to use for the digit buttons 0-9, decimal point, and comma. Colors-HexDigitF (COLOR) Colors-HexDigitB (COLOR) These values specify the foreground and background colors to use for the hex digit buttons A-F. Colors-OperatorF (COLOR) Colors-OperatorB (COLOR) These values specify the foreground and background colors to use for the standard operator buttons (+, -, x, ...). Colors-LogicalF (COLOR) Colors-LogicalB (COLOR) These values specify the foreground and background colors to use for the logical operation buttons (And, Or, Xor, ...). Colors-MiscF (COLOR) Colors-MiscB (COLOR) These values specify the foreground and background colors to use for the miscellaneous function buttons (1/x, x^2, int, frac, ...). Colors-PowerF (COLOR) Colors-PowerB (COLOR) These values specify the foreground and background colors to use for the power function buttons (10^x, e^x, log, ...). Colors-TrigF (COLOR) Colors-TrigB (COLOR) These values specify the foreground and background colors to use for the trigonometric function buttons (sin, cos, tan, ...). Colors-SpecialF (COLOR) Colors-SpecialB (COLOR) These values specify the foreground and background colors to use for the special function buttons (Help, Store, Recall, ...). Colors-ModeF (COLOR) Colors-ModeB (COLOR) These values specify the foreground and background colors to use for the mode buttons (Entry, Display, Angle, .xxxx). Colors-ModeTextF (COLOR) Colors-ModeTextB (COLOR) These values specify the foreground and background colors to use for the mode text fields (Entry, Display, Angle). Colors-RegisterF (COLOR) Colors-RegisterB (COLOR) These values specify the foreground and background colors to use for the register buttons which contain stored values. Colors-OperationF (COLOR) Colors-OperationB (COLOR) These values specify the foreground and background colors to use for buttons which show pending operations. Colors-RegsF (COLOR) Colors-RegsB (COLOR) These values specify the foreground and background colors to use for the register window. Colors-TapeF (COLOR) Colors-TapeB (COLOR) These values specify the foreground and background colors to use for the tape window. Fonts-Font (STRING) This setting is the face name of the font PolyCalc uses for the buttons and fields. The point size must not be specified. Mode-Entry (INTEGER) Mode-Display (INTEGER) Mode-Angle (INTEGER) These settings are the modes PolyCalc defaults to at program startup. Register-00 to 15 (DOUBLE) These settings are the contents of the sixteen registers that PolyCalc will initialize at program startup. Registration-UserName (STRING) Registration-UserKey (DOUBLE) These settings contain the registration information which is saved once you become a registered user. Settings-Decimals (INTEGER) This setting is the number of decimal places PolyCalc will use for Fixed, Scientific, and Engineering display modes. Settings-FirstUse (INTEGER) This setting is used to indicate whether or not this is the first use since the program was registered. If this flag is non-zero, the "create program object" question will be asked. A zero value disables this prompt. Settings-FlashDelay (INTEGER) This setting is a CPU dependent count used to delay the flashing of buttons when a key is pressed. The larger the value, the longer the delay. The smaller the value, the shorter the delay. A value of 0 will be no delay (other than the delay of performing the operation). A value of -1 (FFFFFFFF) will disable the button flash for keystroke entry. This may be desirable on computers with very slow graphics displays. Settings-HideStatus (INTEGER) This setting is used to specify that the status field be hidden. Any non-zero value will cause the status field to be hidden. A zero value will cause the status field to be displayed. Settings-Timeout (INTEGER) This setting is used to specify the number of seconds of inactivity after which PolyCalc will minimize itself. This setting may be useful if you like to have PolyCalc "disappear" when it's not being used. Settings-ShowRegs (INTEGER) This setting is used to specify whether or not the register window is visible at program startup. Any non-zero value will cause the register window to be displayed. Settings-ShowTape (INTEGER) This setting is used to specify whether or not the tape window is visible at program startup. Any non-zero value will cause the tape window to be displayed. Window-Height (INTEGER) Window-Width (INTEGER) Window-PosX (INTEGER) Window-PosY (INTEGER) These settings contain the window size and position which PolyCalc will use at program startup. Regs-Height (INTEGER) Regs-Width (INTEGER) Regs-PosX (INTEGER) Regs-PosY (INTEGER) These settings contain the register window size and position which PolyCalc will use at program startup. Tape-Height (INTEGER) Tape-Width (INTEGER) Tape-PosX (INTEGER) Tape-PosY (INTEGER) These settings contain the tape window size and position which PolyCalc will use at program startup. ═══ 14. Credits ═══ A special thanks goes to Scott Courtney of Fourth Corner Systems for his help beta testing this program. Scott is also responsible for suggesting the name PolyCalc since one future enhancement to this program may be a Morph button which will change the calculator into other formats such as: Basic, Scientific, Programmer, Statistical, etc.